A professional logo design can work wonders for any online business venture, for it acts as a powerful symbol that represents the identity of a company or a person. Hence, it can either attract or repel potential customers. Present below are a list of tips and secrets that can help anyone who is planning on either re-creating or designing a new logo: 1.A logo does not really need to say what a company does: For instance, restaurant company logos need not show food or dentist logos don’t have to show teeth, similarly, furniture stores don’t need to show furniture. Relevance does not always mean better. Look at some great logo designs, such as Mercedes, where in the logo is most definitely not a car or the logo for apple is not a computer. 2.Every logo does not need a mark: Sometimes a client may just need a professional logo type, in order to identify their business. 3.Two-way process: Remember that things might not always work in your favor. But don't lose patience and always make ...
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